A Dungeon Composed Entirely Of Random Tables

Friday 6 May 2011

Tomb of MK

The Tomb-Complex of Ymmu M'Kursa
by Gabor Lux

The tomb-complex of Ymmu M'Kursa is located in the lowermost reaches of the undercity of Khosura, a decadent city state in the deserts of Fomalhaut. This is just one of the multiple burial vaults below Khosura's dusty streets and empty palaces, but its isolation from other areas of the undercity has mostly spared it from the attention of grave robbers ... at least so far. In addition to fixed encounters, characters adventuring in the tomb-complex may encounter random monsters.
(1:6 probability). Roll for an encounter every second turn while the party is moving, or when a altercation develops. Isolated rooms are safe as as doors are secured and there is little noise; however, if the PCs are careless, 1d2+1 groups of monsters will team up for a coordinated attack.

1. Shadows (1d6) 
2-3. Skeletons (3d10)
4. Wraiths (1d3)
5. Ghouls (2d6)
6.Wights (1d6)
8-9. Zombies (2d8) 
10-11. Two groups
12.Named undead in tomb-complex leading other monsters (Referee's choice)